Friday, March 16, 2007

New maven jars and other updates

i work on two of our support jars for swinglabs: swingx and swingx-ws. These libs were in flux for a while and were using branches, sometimes
requiring us to use multiple versions of each jar. I have finally merged these branches back into head and uploaded final jars (along with
their support jars) to our Maven repository at :

This means there will fewer jars to download, reduces the sizes of most desklets, and increases the reliability of deploying them.
Here are the rest of the updates that I know about (Cooper may have done others)

  • weather desklet: turned dragging back on, added mini-icons for the the dock label, added resizing to the config dialog

  • mapviewer: made resizable, updated to new mini-maven jars, added check for the correct street address format,

  • wikipedia: switched to maven jars. download went from 5 mb to 200k

  • clock: switched to maven jars. download is now 76k

  • Updated the container to use the new swingx and swingx-ws jars. no more dupes!

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